F1 24 Review

4 min readJun 10, 2024

F1 fan for life, I still remember vividly my first experience watching the Monaco Grand Prix: hearing those high-powered engines echo through its narrow streets; seeing cars speed past in an array of hues; witnessing high-powered machines navigate a course designed for sailboats — it was pure magic! Now thanks to racing sims such as F1 24, that same electrifying experience can be recreated right from my living room screen thanks to F1 24 racing sims!

Every year brings with it new versions of F1, making every F1 gamer ask themselves one question: is the upgrade worthwhile? Here, we explore F1 24 by dissecting its features to help you determine whether now is a suitable time to trade in their virtual pit stop pass for something better.

Welcome Newcomers: Gaining Entry Into F1 World

F1 24 provides an inviting racing environment and features a tiered difficulty system so that even novice racing drivers can gradually increase the challenge as their skills advance. Beginners need not fear being dumped into F1 24 unprepared and this may be the right incentive to buy F1 24 — it offers an extensive tutorial that covers fundamental racing practices like gear shifting and tire management for an effortless learning curve that’ll have them outpacing rookie drivers in no time! F1 24 ensures an accessible learning path that will have them outpacing rookie drivers within minutes!

Deep Dive or Familiar Terrain? : The Great Handling Debate

Now, let’s address the key element — Codemasters’ newly revised handling model. Codemasters promises an “immense leap forward in realism”, with car behavior affected by factors like tire wear, track conditions, and aerodynamic setup. Is this enough to buy F1 24 if you already have F1 23 Early reports point towards more dynamic driving experiences similar to real F1.

Hardcore simulator racers could find this revolutionary, offering them an authentic racing experience previously unavailable on consoles. But one key question remains — will controller support be sufficient, will a steep learning curve alienate casual players or will Codemasters find an optimal balance between accessibility and realism?

If you are used to playing F1 23 with its more forgiving handling model, F1 24 might require some adjustments in terms of racing style — which shouldn’t necessarily be seen as negative but can push players towards becoming well-rounded virtual drivers.

Optimizing for Perfection: How Deep Can F1 24 Be Taken?

F1 24 offers those who enjoy tuning car setup and tuning an immersive car setup experience, with its specifics still under wraps yet an indication of an expanded selection of parameters to tweak to optimize car performance for each track. You may fine-tune suspension settings, adjust wing angles for maximum downforce, and tailor the differential configuration to find optimal settings for you and each specific track.

F1 24 may provide veteran gamers who enjoy car setup a chance to hone their virtual engineering expertise, though it is wise to temper expectations as there may be the opportunity for deeper customization — though yet unknown whether these additional options have any tangible gameplay effects. Fans of cheap PS5 games will be a little disappointed with the price but it is on the same line as the previous releases. Beginners may find it a little more difficult than F1 23 which seems to be a better entry game for Formula 1 fans.

Verdict: Strategic Pit Stop or Full-Throttle Upgrade?

So the key question for F1 23 players is — is F1 24 worth upgrading for? As always, that answer depends entirely upon individual preferences and needs — here’s a quick run-down:

  • Hardcore Sim Racers: F1 24’s promise of more dynamic handling characteristics and expanded car setup options make it appealing; however, reviews must first be read to assess its true impact.
  • Casual Racers: If F1 23 was your ideal racing experience and you prioritized an approachable gameplay style, perhaps sticking with what is familiar will suffice.

