4 New Games You Should Play and Why

5 min readApr 18, 2024

Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man 2 is one of the titles that stands out. It is an action game that welcomes fans and engages them. It presents both Peter and Miles Morales as a combo threat. With plenty of enthusiasm in combat roles, Miles Morales brings a different type of fighting that increases the options a player has. Miles Morales is on-scene with web bombs propulsion, while trip mines are set off and triggering them at once when swinging. The impacting covered fist thugs before punching him hard against his adversaries with web-covered fist thugs covered fists are thrilling. Miles Morales is an energetic newcomer here.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

In addition, Miles’ traversal is an exhilarating thrill ride. His agility and bioelectricity enable him to seamlessly sequence quick movements, wall runs, and explosive web swings for maximum thrill-ride experiences. Players will be left breathless with excitement at each new turn. Exploration feels fast and thrilling in Spider-Man 2 no matter what hero you play with. Miles is still learning his craft, so his web-slinging may not match Peter’s standards quite yet — this allows for more of an improvisational style, focused on bursts of speed and making creative use of the environment. This dynamic duality makes traversal so exciting and engaging; whether navigating with experienced Peter using gadgets to plan out each route carefully, or unleashing Miles’ youthful exuberance by zipping through cities at incredible speed in frenetic displays of raw power

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

Classic Prince of Persia games were known for their focus on acrobatic movement, environmental puzzles, and creative use of the environment to overcome obstacles. Combat, if present, was often acrobatic and stylish, requiring precise timing and evasion rather than brute force. The Lost Crown’s focus on repetitive button-mashing combat is a significant departure from the series’ roots. Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is one of the best examples of sidescrolling action-adventure games as they once roamed the world of video games.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

Maybe the combat lacks nuance and soon devolves into frantic button-mashing instead of requiring thoughtful tactics but it is not different than what players are used to from previous games of the series. This frustration can overshadow the platforming experience. The focus on memorizing patterns instead of offering dynamic, strategic battles makes boss encounters a chore, not a thrilling climax. However, despite its flaws, The Lost Crown is something that everyone should enjoy, especially fans of the series. Here we have a beloved classic reinvented and the effort is well worth it.

Rise of the Ronin

Rise of the Ronin continues the amazing legacy established in Nioh with thrilling updates that build off of what made that game unforgettable: its captivating combat set against 19th-century Japan is now featured against stunning visuals! You should have no doubts if you played Nioh previously or if you like games like Sekiro: buy Rise the Ronin to enjoy a similar experience in a new setting with a few twists. Imagine Nioh’s intense battles set amidst expansive landscapes bathed in golden sunlight as you battle it out, or its delicate cherry blossoms juxtaposed against the battle’s brutality and intensity.

Rise of the Ronin

Rise of the Ronin is an experience for fans and newcomers alike; both can find visual stimulation as they enjoy its refined swordplay, elevating Nioh’s combat to new levels with this spectacular visual feast and sensory adventure. Although still challenging and viscerally intense, you now possess more tactical freedom with access to an arsenal of weapons suited for specific enemies and the strengths and weaknesses of each weapon in battle. Mastering the art of switching weapons and stances quickly is now key, enabling you to exploit enemy vulnerabilities and pull off devastating combos against them. Combine that with Nioh’s punishing enemy AI for an exhilarating and deeply rewarding combat experience!

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is an homage to life’s unpredictable eccentricities and revels in unexpected chaos. A JRPG by definition but more of an all-embracing genre-defying epic than one might initially anticipate — prepare to be carried along on an unforgettable ride of dragons, dreams, and delightful debauchery in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. At times, the narrative can feel like an intense tropical storm itself — scattering plot points and characters like leaves in a windstorm. Crucial moments and relationships may become lost amid side quests, minigames, and distractions; one minute you may be embroiled in an intense gang conflict while minutes later managing a beach resort or teaching your parrot to sing karaoke! Although these diversions provide moments of humor and heartwarming connection — remembering where the main story went can feel like deciphering an obscure postcard!

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Combat in Infinite Wealth received an upgrade that may appear unexpected but it is in step with times. So many extravagant attacks and dynamic environments are now available so fans of action RPGs will have all the reasons to buy Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Even if Live Command RPG, the new battle system, may take the stage for most, its true strength lies in the boundless tapestry of experiences it provides, each an homage to the absurdity and heart that define Yakuza culture. Expect constant surprises as this game refuses to fit neatly into any predefined categories or compartmentalized binaries — prepare to lose yourself in its neon labyrinth; Ichiban: Infinite Wealth awaits discovery as an endless treasure chest waiting to be unlocked.

